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The Johannine community is a global movement of spiritual seekers and friends rather than an organisation with fixed structures. This web of friendships guided by the Holy Ones is a reality vested in the heavens and an earthly impulse that has manifested down the centuries as a subversive catalyst for positive change. The cohesion of the movement is fostered by supportive communication and teaching that today includes the internet. Community members are invited to gather at a designated place for the seasonal festivals of the spiritual year.


Deep within every human soul is a longing. That longing is for connection with others, with nature and ultimately with spirit. The mission of our community is to assist in making this connection.


We recognise that within the world of matter which is perceived with our ordinary senses, lies the sphere of the spirit perceptible with non-ordinary senses. We seek to awaken such senses.


We are aware that dwelling within our soul is our spiritual essence, our real self, whom we know as I Am, and referred to by St. Paul as ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’. For many the I Am is a dormant seed, an unrealised potential. We seek to nurture this seed so that it may germinate, grow and flower.  


We are a true community that comes together regularly for study, worship and fellowship; for blessing, healing, forgiving and teaching. We come together to acknowledge both the feminine and masculine face of God and giving thanks through the Eucharist, recognising the words of Christ: ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I Am in the midst of them’. Matthew 18:20


We are an esoteric community, guided by the great teachers and Initiates who had awakened senses and clear sight into the higher realms. Those Initiates have bequeathed to us a wealth of knowledge, which we call ‘Spiritual Science’. Understanding this knowledge is essential for our evolution; for materialistic science only gives us half a picture.


The Castlemaine Johannine Community is a dynamic community of independent free thinking individuals

intent on seeking the grace of the Spirit and reconciling the Heavens with the Earth.

We meet weekly for study, blessing, healing, forgiving and teaching, monthly for worship and offering of the seven sacraments.


We also call ourselves a Grail Community for we are seekers of the ultimate truth, seekers of unity. Our ever-present source of nourishment is the fount of love, overflowing the grail of our own hearts. Love is the alpha and the omega, the source and the end, and the test of who we are.



The Castlemaine Johannine Community, has a message to convey that few may listen to.

Yet we uphold a vital tradition, and we are neither anachronistic nor irrelevant; nor are we ideologues or exclusivists. We synthesise all religions, seek the truth and proclaim loudly that there is a physical world and a spiritual world and the two are entwined, the two encompass reality. Anybody with an open mind is welcome. And we continue to do the work of Johannine Communities down through the ages, to serve God and humanity for the highest of purposes, to shine a light in the darkness, to reunite science and religion, unify head and heart, integrate thinking feeling and willing, effect healing, reconcile the rift, promote unity, acknowledge the reality of Spirit, nourish our own souls, to be agents of transformation and catalysts of evolution. Although we are informed by paganism and what we call ‘Mother Earth Spirituality’ we align ourselves most strongly with the ‘Western Mystery Tradition’.

We are an esoteric church on guard against dogma, wary of the danger of getting ‘stuck in form’, looking towards the future. We are informed by the wisdom of Initiates with clear sight. We are deeply ecumenical, for the wisdom we draw upon comes from all streams of human evolution. We seek God through intelligence and reason and through our own perception, our own experiences of the world, nature and each other, every single day.

Diane Thompson

There is a spirituality in all that surrounds us in nature, in the trees, in the wind, in the animals travelling through country.

I have the good fortune of living close to nature. This is where I feel close to the spiritual worlds and it is where I can experience the transformation of the soul by listening and being still. I am an ordained priestess and the Grail Chapel is a space for contemplation, connection and stillness and it is my hope that it will be for us all.

Kenneth Killeen

I am the co-convenor of the Castlemaine Johannine Community and ordained priest. I feel privileged to have a very strong sense of purpose, a calling.

That calling begins with my own desire to know God and to connect others to the reality of Spirit, awakening people to the indwelling Christ and to help in maintaining that connection.


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2024  Services and Events:

​Sunday 1st September Father’s Day Eucharist 
Sunday 29th September Michaelmas Eucharist
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October 1PM till 4 pm each day -SPRING SCHOOL -                                            THE GOSPEL OF JOHN AS A GUIDE TO INITIATION 
Saturday 2nd November Empowerees Meeting 2pm till 5

Saturday 2nd November Beltane Bonfire gathering 5pm   
Sunday 3rd November Eucharist
Sunday 1st December Advent Eucharist

Christmas services to be announced
*all Eucharist's begin at 11 am and are followed by a shared lunch


Weekly Rudolf Steiner Study Group - Tuesday Evenings 





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'For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another'  

1 John 3:11

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