The festival of Michael traditionally begins on the 29th of September and extends until Advent. * We also recognise that since 1879 we have been living in the Michaelic age, Michael is the regent of our times, the executor of cosmic intelligence and herald of the Christ. By aligning ourselves consciously with this lofty Archangel and by becoming aware of the presence and the power of Michael we ourselves become empowered. We hold his scales, wear his breastplate and wield his sword.
Know also that Michael works only through the able and empowered. To the disempowered, Michael says, “come seek my assistance when you are ready”.
The fundamental task of Michael is described in a single phrase, ‘the spiritualisation of the intellect’, we can also call this the reconciliation of head and heart. Michael gives us thoughts and ideas which light up in us as inner knowledge of the higher worlds. Human understanding, which has practised a certain calculating intellectualism through natural scientific training now has the task of empowering itself in the sphere of the spirit. The split between reason and faith, science and religion, is to be reconciled through Michael.
We are living in an age of great crises and small unimaginative and uninspired thinking. The great crises are less about economics or politics, war, environmental degradation or terrorism; and more about the root cause, the epidemic absence of spiritual ways of thinking about the world. To the small thoughts there is an inherent absence of love, a profound sense of separation, from self, from others, from nature and from God; and a fear of difference which generates tribalism of all forms, including xenophobic nationalism. To the small thoughts there is also the fixed idea of ‘constant lasting growth’ or ‘jobs and growth’, recited by the unimaginative like a magic mantra. Accompanied by other small thought mantras such as ‘stop the boats’, ‘war on terror’, ‘tough on crime’ etc.
But the more insidious small thought is the widespread idea that humanity gets along and even progresses without Spirit, without God and the Holy Ones. Although religious fundamentalism is also small thinking as is a focus on the historical Jesus rather than the Cosmic and indwelling Christ.
Great crises can only be overcome by great thoughts. Such great thoughts require a comprehensive understanding of the science of the spirit and the cosmic laws of growth and decline and the unfolding rhythms of birth, death and resurrection, reincarnation and karma.
We need to know that by attuning ourselves to the higher worlds, the Angels will stimulate our imaginative and creative thinking and give us strength. The Archangels will inspire us with great thoughts and give us courage. Michael will enlighten us, and work through our intuition and ‘spiritualise our intellect’; aligning us with the power and love of Christ, and the wisdom of Sophia, enabling us to heal the ills of the world.
*There are some who claim that we should reverse our festivals in the Southern Hemisphere, to celebrate Easter in Spring and Michaelmas in Autumn. However there is great potency in celebrating the same festival around the world at the same time. We can simply know that in one hemisphere there is an inner power to the festival radiating outwards whilst in the other hemisphere the power radiates from outside in.